Support Wings Guatemala

Donations from individuals like you enable WINGS to continue providing our vital reproductive health education and services to families across Guatemala.

Your online donation will be used to:

  • Educate Guatemalan women, men, and children about sexual and reproductive health
  • Increase access to low-cost family planning methods and subsidized cervical cancer screenings
  • Equip women, men, and youth with the information and skills they need to become advocates for family planning and reproductive health in their own communities
  • Train organizations, educators, and health service providers to deliver better reproductive health education and services

Your Gift Makes an Impact

The immediate benefits of sexual and reproductive health services include fewer unintended pregnancies, lower rates of death and disability among women and infants, and lower incidence of HIV and other STIs. Long-term impacts include improving women’s ability to complete their education, increase their productivity and earnings, and enjoy higher household savings and assets (UNFPA 2014).

500 Provides permanent contraception for five Guatemalans
150 Provides four women with long-acting reversible contraception for 5 to 10 years
75 Provides three women with short-acting contraception for 1 year
30 Provides three women with life-saving cervical cancer screenings

Fundraise on behalf of Wings

Fundraising helps to extend our network of WINGS supporters outside of Guatemala and provides much needed financial assistance to our programs, so we can continue providing vital services to Guatemalan families. Whether you are sharing information about WINGS with a group of friends, hosting an event in support of WINGS, or coordinating a larger initiative, every person that you talk with and every dollar that you help to raise has a profound impact on our ability to sustain our programs.

Trabaja con nosotros

De vez en cuando, tenemos puestos vacantes para nuestro creciente equipo. La forma más fácil de saber qué puestos están disponibles es seguirnos en Facebook.